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Night before War


A war comes suddenly.
Human beings bring it, taking time with prepared campaigns
on a level so different from the beauty and sensitivity of a day and a night
When we realize, a war is already in front of us
All the lights of living things, all the beauty of the seen and the unseen
will be taken away.
All the lights are gone.
Only sadness and brutality remain.

After so many years, one light will be born.
And a few lights... Many lights twinkle under the sky.

From somewhere, a hand approaches.
The hand shakes the roots of the candles.
Although the lights balance well from the sky,
a false sense of apprehension gradually prevails.
It is then
the hand takes away all the lights,
the vulnerability, the beauty
they are gone.

In a house of light
Mother is telling her child
a story
long people's story
singing quietly and kindly
even after the child's asleep

Mother's song
reaches the quietness of night
the deepness of lake
Beneath the warm, kind moon
countless lives rest
gods are alive
in the mother's song

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copyright. Aine E Nakamura, oica music. 2019.
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